Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Collecting KPOP Merchandise [Please Read]

REPOST(Credits are found below):
I resposted this because what this article contains is very important. Though some of you might not agree with it, it is the growing problem of many fangirls and fanboys.
This article goes for every other Kpop group in the industry(because the one who made this article is a SONE), especially big groups like Super Junior, BigBang, and TVXQ to name a few.

Collecting merchandise is part of the fan experience when it comes to following a musical artist. As fans, we buy the artist's CDs, we attend their concerts, and we spend our hard-earned money to support them. It is, of course, no different with Girls' Generation. SONEs around the world constantly do their part to support the girls, and it certainly shows when their CD pre-orders dominate the charts and their concerts sell out within minutes. But as the popularity of Girls' Generation grows around the world, so too does the cost of accumulating the merchandise (both official and unofficial) that we crave as well as the serious questions that go with this increased cost.

Initially, there was little official content to purchase beyond the CDs themselves. But as time wore on and the girls began to cement their status as one of Korea's top musical artists, the amount of merchandise available began to multiply to the point it has reached today. The categories of collectible merchandise has grown immensely to include calendars (both large wall-types and small desk-types), coffee mugs, fans, buttons, posters, and photobooks. Posters in particular have become something of an expensive addiction for me. Nowadays, different posters can be found for most of the album concepts, and there are even posters related to advertisements and CFs. At the opposite end of the spectrum on the size scale are Star Cards. Despite the relatively low cost of a single pack, the collectible aspect of the cards makes it nearly impossible for a SONE to be satisfied with buying just one pack. I've personally witnessed how the the desire to collect Star Cards can impact a SONE's wallet, having seen people with large three-inch binders full of cards.

Perhaps the most expensive pieces of merchandise are the different album editions. The standard practice now is that when Girls' Generation releases a new single or album, they come out with different editions, each with its own unique bonus items. There are those of us who have reached the point where we simply buy all the editions except the standard one because we want the different extras that are included. Despite how much we love collecting them, the most frustrating bonus item is the random photocard, as we end up spending extra money on a limited edition without even knowing which card is inside. When you consider that some of the most dedicated collectors actually buy multiple copies of those limited editions in the hopes that they'll get a photocard of each girl, the monetary cost is staggering.

Ultimately, though, all of this merchandise can be viewed with a simple perspective: we are officially supporting the girls. But now, more and more fanmade content is becoming available for purchase. This fanmade merchandise varies in nearly the same fashion as the official merchandise, with items like desk calendars, wall scrolls, DVDs, clothing, and photobooks being sold. This is where the line truly begins to become blurry and the ethical questions start to arise. From a purely superficial standpoint, the fanmade content very rarely matches the level of quality of the official merchandise. The images usually are not as crisp, and the physical build quality is often not at the same level. I've bought a number of unofficial items myself, and while I like them, I can see the difference. Only a select few photobooks and DVDs have reached a level of polish that rivals official merchandise.

Certain serious ethical questions start to raised when we talk about those few unique unofficial items that have an extremely high level of quality. As fans, we crave the super high-quality photos and fancams that are taken by these unofficial sources and fansites. While we can freely download the digital images and view the fancams on YouTube, once these images are put into print form (or the videos put onto DVDs) and sold for money, a line is crossed and it goes from free fan service to profit-seeking business. Rather than a stark black-and-white right or wrong perspective, this kind of action falls into a gray area. It's a double-edged sword that we as fans have to deal with. Do we see this as simply more beautiful items to own that show how much we love the girls, or do we view this as pure greed on the part of the sellers?

I'm a business owner myself, so I'm always looking for ways to improve my business and make more money. It's not a matter of greed, but rather a measure of success. If my business is making more money, it means that we're successful. I try to run my business in an honest manner, because that's simply the way I do things, and I believe in doing things the right way. I'm not going to point to these fansites selling unofficial merchandise and say that they are running a dishonest business. If I see a way to make more profit for my business and people are happy with the product I'm selling, I don't see a problem at all.

But the question has to be raised: are we as fans being taken advantage of? As a fan, it's difficult to avoid that initial feeling of "I have to have this" anytime a new product is announced. We want to collect everything we possibly can, but the simple truth is that many SONEs around the world are students who do not have large amounts of spending money. As a result, many such students end up putting forth a directed effort to save money to buy both official and unofficial products. Couple that with the SONEs who do have the money to spend, and one can see how fansites and other unofficial sellers looked upon us and saw a potential market for drawing in profits.

Just as important is the question of whether or not Girls' Generation itself is being taken advantage of. From a business standpoint, there are really only two ways for the girls to make money at this point in time: with their music, and with their image. Until the day they retire as singers, those two are their bread and butter. In a sense, any unofficial or unlicensed merchandise such as a photobook or a DVD is attempting to use their image to make a profit, except none of the money goes to the girls themselves, unlike with official products. As one of Korea's top musical artists, I'm confident that the members of Girls' Generation have comfortable financial situations and don't really need any cut of the profits from unofficial merchandise. But what if the unofficial market becomes large enough that it's no longer just a fraction of 0.01% (I would venture to guess that it's very small right now) of the total money made by using their image? If the profits that the unofficial market rakes in even manages to reach 1% of the total profits from all merchandise that utilizes the girls' images, that's incredibly significant. This kind of market share isn't all that difficult to imagine, as reports have recently surfaced of an unofficial seller earning $18,000 USD selling idol merchandise and eBay transactions of Korean entertainment goods exploding by 167% in the past year alone.

The amount of money that is made by the girls, their management, and anyone else involved is sure to continue to skyrocket. But as their popularity grows through Asia and the rest of the world, more and more people will want a slice of the pie. While many who try to cash in on the girls' success will do so in a friendly and honest manner, it's important to remember as fans that not every hand that reaches into the cookie jar will be clean. As more products bearing the Girls' Generation name become available to purchase, one thing is for certain: the collections of items owned by SONEs will continue to grow, and their wallets will continue to shrink.


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Saturday, May 14, 2011

Sparkling Mag Vol. 2

Yay! Got my sparkling mag vol. 2 yesterday. Blogger's not working yesterday, eh? Oh well, I've finished reading it and it's a must buy for all Kpop fans there! Especially the Blackjacks, Triple S and ELFs! Grab a copy now! It's available at National Bookstore and other bookstores/magazine stands near you! Only for 150 pesos. Trust me, it's worth it!

(Click photos to enlarge)

Sunday, May 8, 2011

A KPOP Filled Day!

This day is totally Kpop-Filled! While my parents were watching the Pacquiao-Mosley fight(Which, by the way, Pacquiao won! Wooo \m/!), I was venturing around the mall by myself. So yeah, I headed off first to National bookstore since I originally planned to buy Popped(a pocket book about Kpop fangirls) and Sparkling Magazine, the second volume. I found Popped, but unfortunately they didn't have copies of Sparkling Mag yet. So, I bought Popped and 2 song magazines with Kpop groups in the cover.

I didn't stop looking for a copy of the second edition of Sparkling Mag. I went to Filbars and other bookstores inside the mall, but I still didn't find any. Maybe it hasn't been released by Summit Media yet. :( Here's what it looks like:

(Back to back covers with 2NE1 and KyuSaeng)

After buying the book, the fight was not yet over, so, I still had time to walk around. I passed Odyssey, one of the biggest music stores in the Philippines. I decided to enter to just browse through Kpop CDs to pass time while waiting for my parents. In the end, I ended up buying Girl's Generation's Into The New World Asia Tour Album with a free poster.

The KPOP day didn't end there. We also had Magic Pop! (A korean snack). And the heck! It tastes good! Haha. I almost finished the whole thing!

When I finally got home, the first thing I did was open the album. Here it is! It comes with a SUPER HUGE POSTER! (Which you can see, is already posted on my wall) It also has 38 tracks.

(Nevermind the clutter in my room ~_~)

Here are some pics of the album:

And there ends my fun-filled Kpop day! I hope it happens again! Next up, Mblaq's 3D album release on May 15! See ya'll there!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Mother's Day/The Great Pacquiao-Mosley Fight.

So, here I am... Chillin' out alone in the SM Megamall food court. My parents are watching the Pacquiao-Mosley fight, so I'm free to go around the mall. tGood thing there's free WiFi here, or else I'd be completely bored, or at least, broke(with tons of Kpop CD's available in Odyssey and Astroplus, how can I resist?) So yeah, I didn't resist again the urge to buy another Kpop CD. I entered Odyssey thinking that I would just browse through the Kpop CD's and walk out emptyhanded. But it turned out different, I walked out there empty-WALLETED. Is there even such a word? I only bought one album. It's Girl's Generation's Into The New World DVD(Asia Tour).

It has 2 CDs. CD 1 has 18 tracks while CD 2 has 20. It's only 550 pesos, so I think it's a suitable price for a CD/DVD with almost 40 tracks in it. Plus, it's Girl's Generation, how can it not be worth it? I was really planning to buy it on the day of it's release, but I didn't have enough money then to buy this, since I really really wanted to buy the Breaktime Album of Ukiss. The DVD/CD comes with a super HUGE poster with the same image as the album cover. I did not bring my portable CD/DVD writer with me, so, I cannot listen to it yet. I really want to go home so I can listen to it.


I also bought the pocket book, Popped! It's also about KPOP, written by Chingay Labrador. She shares her incredible experience when she went to South Korea. I really hope that I could relate to her stories. And I'll share it to you guys after I've read the whole book. Now, I'm off to Etude House! :D

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

2AM Asia Tour; Philippine Leg

2AM Kicks off their Asia Tour in the Philippines!

Top ballad boyband, 2AM, visits the Philippines for a 4-day stay. They arrived in Manila on the morning of April 27 without their leader, Jo Kwon, who will arrive at evening the same day because of previously made commitments. The three headed straight to their hotel, at Edsa Shangrila for a quick rest and for their lunch. Changmin was even reported to have sprained a finger but was immediately taken care of the hotel nurse. After the three have settled their things in the hotel, they headed to the radio station where they would be interviewed and meet the lucky winners of a contest held by the radio station. Sometime during the interview, Changmin said that he really likes Ketchup(Catsup) and while he was buying food in the convenience store earlier for the members, he saw a bottle of Banana Ketchup and immediately buy it since he was curious as to how it tastes(Cute Changmin ^_^). Then the 10 winners went inside the studio to meet the group and take pictures as well. The show ended smoothly and when they were about to exit the radio station, they were greeted with hundreds of fans waiting to see 2AM live in person and some media who, ofcourse, wants to interview these popular boys from Korea.

Before heading to their hotel, the three headed to a Thai Restaurant, 8 Spices, to eat dinner, then headed straight to their hotel afterwards. Jo Kwon arrived at 11PM that same day and met up with his other members in their hotel. They rest that night looking forward to three big days ahead of them.

Their first meet and greet session was held at Newport Mall Plaza at Resorts World Manila the next day, April 28, 2011 where they signed albums of fans who bought their album, Saint O'Clock. They sold over 500 copies of their album in that single event. The second meet and greet was held at the Venice Piazza at McKinley Hill on April 29, 2011. They sold almost 700 copies of their album on that event, not including the copies they sold on the previous event.

The Grand Show was held at Eastwood Mall Open Park where they performed some of their hit songs including "You wouldn't answer my calls", "Can't let you go even if I die", and "This Song". They did not have an autograph signing during the grand show but they did have surprises for the fans who attended their last show. They sang an English song showing their perfect blending. Jo Kwon did was he was best known for, dancing girl group songs, which then led to the other three to dance as well. They even blew a cake for the three members who will be celebrating their birthdays on May. They watched a video prepared by the 2OneDayPhilippines, the official fanclub of 2OneDay, or now known as 2PM and 2AM. They sold over 600 copies of their album on this event, not including the copies sold during the first and second event.

Every album includes a special pass in the enclosed area for a better view during each event. Those who bought the album had the best view of all. But, each pass is only applicable where you bought the album. So, it means that if you bought an album on the first meet and greet, you can enter the enclosed area during that event. But, if you wanted to enter the enclosed area during the second event, you have to buy another album. Certified IAM's did not miss their chance on seeing and meeting 2AM up close. They bought albums for each event just to be able to get close to these boys.

They sold almost 2000 copies during their 4-day stay here in the Philippines. This just shows how popular these boys are, and there is no stopping them. Album sales are still going on at different music stores including Odyssey and Astroplus.

This is a truly remarkable event. Considering this is the first time 2AM has been here in the Philippines, we wish that they can be back sooner to promote another album. For the mean time, we hope that the rest of their Asia Tour would go smoothly just like here in Manila. 2AM FIGHTING!

For more pictures, go to my Facebook account:
Credits: MCA Music