Friday, September 2, 2011

Manilart'11 Experience

Last Saturday, I went to Manilart '11 at the NBC Tent with my friends, Ynna and Frances. Though at first, the real reason we went there was to accomplish the task/assignment given to us by our professor, it changed as we went in and saw the different artworks by different artists.

What IS Manilart?
Basically, it's a gathering of more than 40 art galleries to showcase their latest artworks.
(Visit their website here.)

Last August 27, the three of us went to NBC Tent right after class to visit the 3rd art fair of Manilart. Since the venue is within the area of our school, we didn't have any problems in transportation. We reached the venue within minutes and paid the entrance fee. Students get a discount(Hooray for student discounts! ^_^), all they need is to present their IDs. When we got inside the venue, we were surprised at seeing many different artworks right in front of our eyes. 

The first art work we saw was entitled, "Eclipse". And what caught our eye was the creator of this artwork, Mideo Cruz, whose name is recently heard everywhere; in the news, radio, and is involved in conversations of almost everyone in the art industry because of his art installations of "Poleteismo". Because of his unique way of expressing his opinions about the different issues the country is battling, some believe that most, if not all, of his works have deeper meanings above the physical and literal meaning of each artwork. And for this artwork, Eclipse, some, including me, believe that this painting depicts his opinions about same sex marriage, another common issue the country is battling about.

Another painting that caught my attention is "Abot-Tanaw" by artist Noel Palma.

A painting of Kids riding on paper airplanes, a kid with 3D glasses on and an antenna on his head. To me, what the artist is trying to express is that the future is within the reach of the children. They will soar high with no limits.

Another artwork I liked was "You, I Love You" by Ferdinand Cacnio. A structure of a mother and a child made of brass metal. For me, this artwork is one of the greatest in the gallery, as it shows the love of a mother  to her child.

Here are some of the artworks that has caught my attention:

An artwork entitled, "Wag mong sirain ang isang bagay na totoo"(Do not wreck something that it is true).

A painting by CJ Tanedo entitled, "The Free Thinker".


After my first visit to an art show, I have opened my mind to different kinds of art. Great artists can express their opinions and feelings without hesitation. Seeing how these great artists create their artworks, I feel more encouraged to create my own artworks and express my own opinions and feelings as well.

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